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Tia Maria Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur 700ml

Tia Maria is a sweet liqueur with a strong coffee character and a complex aromatic structure. By using cold brew extraction, they always ensure that their coffee liqueur has a distinct taste thanks to three significant elements: coffee 100% arabica provides the distinctive roasted, full-bodied rich taste, vanilla responsible for the soft and velvety back notes and Jamaican Rum that gives Tia Maria its body, depth and structure.

Trulo Coconut Rum Liqueur 500ml

Trulo is a range of fun, great-tasting classic liqueurs that offer a delicious, reduced calorie option for today's consumer.

Won Soju Spirit 375ml

Won Soju - That captivates the culturally curious with its forward-thinking approach. Delivering an authentic and versatile drinking experience that celebrates the spirit of exploration with affordability in every sip. On the nose, Won Soju Spirit reveals floral and fruity notes, paving the way for a palate experience that blends sweetness and spiciness. It serves as a high-end cocktail component, enhancing the flavours of any mixed drink, and can also be savoured on its own in the traditional fashion.
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